The City’s Safer Melville approach is to:
- Regularly monitor emerging community safety or crime trends. We do this using a number of data sources e.g. reported crime, Community Safety Service (CSS) statistics, feedback from police, stakeholders etc
- Respond within our role as a Local Government
- Reassure the community that the City is monitoring and responding to emerging community safety or crime issues.
This approach is in line with the International Safe Communities Model, which is an evidence-based model for addressing community safety issues at the local level. This approach ensures we are directing our Safer Melville resources to where they are most needed. The City of Melville was the first community in WA to align to this model and therefore achieve accreditation as a Pan Pacific Safe Community.
Download our flyer for a broad overview or view an interactive summary of the 2023 - 2027 Safer Melville Plan.
Strategic Alignment
In the City of Melville Strategic Community Plan 2020 – 2030 our community identified their aspirations. The Clean and Green and Safe and Secure aspirations were almost equally important to the community with 32.2% and 30.8% of respondents ranking these as their areas of focus respectively.
In the City of Melville Corporate Business Plan 2020 – 2030 six key priority areas of focus were identified as critical in achieving community aspirations. Priorities related to the Safe and Secure aspiration fall underneath the ‘Support healthy lifestyles and wellbeing’ priority. The relevant key strategy to address this priority is ‘Increase advocacy and partnerships for identified needs relating to community health, safety and security. The 2023 – 2027 Safer Melville Plan is in place to achieve the strategy and aspirations listed in these two plans.
Both our Strategic Community Plan 2020-2030 and Corporate Business Plan 2020-2024 were reviewed following extensive community engagement, and, as of 2024, have been brought together to create one cohesive, coordinated and integrated Council Plan for the Future 2024-2034”
Safer Melville Advisory Committee
The Safer Melville Advisory Committee (SMAC) is made up of representatives from various State Government agencies, community based organisations, local police stations and community and business groups. They work together to promote safety and injury reduction for people living, working and visiting the City of Melville by applying the Safe Communities Framework.
The committee meet bi-monthly and have advised the City on a number of projects and initiatives over the years. Some examples are:
- The committee provided advice on the development of , peer reviewed, and endorsed the 2023 - 2027 Safer Melville Plan
- The committee were presented with a report reviewing the City’s Friendly Neighbourhoods BBQ Trailer and provided feedback on proposed options for the future
- The committee are presented with annual reports from suppliers who enter into Memorandum’s of Understanding with the City to deliver relevant community safety and crime prevention initiatives. They provide advice to the City on whether these agreements should be continued.
Terms of Reference