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The City of Melville uses video surveillance for asset protection and to capture evidence that may assist police in investigations. We do not install fixed open-street CCTV to monitor public spaces. The City has a Code of Practice and Standard Operating Procedures in place for any video surveillance owned and operated by us. Compliance with these documents ensures we do not breach relevant laws and regulations. 

Effectiveness of CCTV

While there is little evidence that CCTV reduces the incidence of crime, it has been demonstrated to be effective in assisting police to solve crime by gathering evidence. The Australian Institute of Criminology has numerous publications about the effectiveness of CCTV available online.

Visit the Australian Institute of Criminology and type "CCTV" into their search tool if you would like more information on the effectiveness of CCTV.

If you choose to purchase a CCTV system for your property, ensure you use a licensed CCTV installer. Visit the Security Agents Institute of Western Australia's website for a consumer guide.

If you do have CCTV installed on your property make sure you register it on the WA Police Cam-Map WA website.

City of Melville CCTV Assets

We have a mobile CCTV Trailer which is deployed in areas of need to assist police by gathering evidence. We are also leasing five mobile CCTV units. Local police inform us of any areas they would like to be considered in the deployment schedule for our CCTV assets, based on crime data. All the locations are proposed to local police. Police advise if the locations are hotspots and therefore if the assets should be deployed at that location. 

Follow these simple steps if you would like a particular location to be considered for deployment of one of our CCTV assets:

  1. Report all incidents at that location to police on 131 444 – remember, police help determine locations based on their data so if there is an issue in a particular location then police should know about it!
  2. Contact the Community Safety Service (CSS) on 1300 653 643 or and provide information on the issues occurring, and specific details of the location
  3. Check back on this page for information on where the  CCTV assets  have been deployed.

The Safer Melville Advisory Committee  receive a report at their bi-monthly meetings on the locations where the assets have been deployed and reasons for deployment.

A list of the suburbs the trailer has been deployed in and any successes of each deployment will be published on this page. Find out where the assets have been deployed  up to 20 November 2024

Frequently Asked Questions

Will any City owned CCTV be used for surveillance on private property?

No. The intention of cameras will be to record publicly accessible areas and the activities that take place in those areas.

Will any City owned CCTV affect the privacy of local residents and business operators?

Maintaining the privacy of private property owners and occupiers is a priority for us when operating video surveillance. The intention of cameras will not be to record private property or business premises.

What will the images recorded by City owned CCTV be used for?

We will provide authorised agencies such as the WA Police Force with recorded surveillance images from public areas, if they are requested. Images will also be used to assist in investigations of incidents e.g. body cameras worn by Rangers and Community Safety Service (CSS) staff.

What will happen when suspicious activities are identified in areas covered by City owned CCTV?

We will report these incidents to the WA Police Force and advise them that CCTV footage is available.   

Can members of the public obtain copies of recorded images from City owned CCTV?

No, members of the general public will not have access to images retained in the systems unless a legal ruling orders such access. 

How can I make a complaint about the management or operation of any City owned CCTV? Where can I get further information about City owned CCTV?

Contact Customer Relations on 9364 0666 or with any enquiries about the City’s use of video surveillance in public areas.

What should I do if I’m concerned about my neighbours CCTV or drone recording my property?

There are no City of Melville policies or by-laws related to CCTV on private property.  Please visit the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner webpage for information on laws regarding surveillance and monitoring.  If you are concerned that CCTV is breaching the Surveillance Devices Act and/or Australian Privacy Principles you should contact your local police station for them to investigate further. 

Contact details for your local police station can be found on the WA Police Force website by clicking ‘your local police’ in the right hand menu.  Enter your suburb into the search menu and this will bring up the contact details of your local police.

Visit the Australian Government Civil Aviation Safety Authority (CASA) website for information on flying drones safely and how to report unsafe flying. 

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