If you are a candidate in the local government elections, you must declare all gifts received for your electoral campaign that have a total value of $300 or more. The donor of the gift must also make a separate declaration. Find out more below.
The definition of gift is broad and includes the transfer/giving of any property or financial benefit from one person to another. This includes:
- money;
- non-monetary items of value;
- in kind support or discounts (if the support or the discount is worth more than $300);
- contributions to travel;
- the provision of free services or discounted services for no or inadequate payment; and
- a firm promise or agreement to give a gift at some future time.
The following are gifts are excluded, and do not need to be declared:
- gifts by will;
- gifts by relatives;
- items that do not relate to the your electoral campaign; and
- volunteer labour.
Where you only receive one gift from the same person, that gift only needs to be declared if its value is $300 or more. Where you receive multiple gifts from the same person, those gifts must be declared if their total value is $300 or more.
You, and the donor, must declare all gifts and donations given or promised from 21 April 2023.
The timeframe for declaring gifts depends on whether you received the gift prior to nominating as a candidate or after:
- For gifts received prior – it must be declared within 3 days of nominating as a candidate.
- For gifts received after – it must be declared within 3 days of receipt
When the disclosure period ends depends on whether or not you are elected onto Council:
- If you are not elected, the disclosure period ends on the 24 October 2023 (inclusive)
- If you are elected, the disclosure period ends on the day on which you made your declaration of office (inclusive)
You cannot accept gifts from a person unless you know the name and address of the donor.
If you receive such a gift, you must disclose it and deliver it to us for disposal.
To declare a gift, complete our
Gift Disclosure Form (Candidates and Donors and email it to
CEO-Office@melville.wa.gov.au. Separate forms must be completed by the candidate and the donor.
You must provide all the information required by the form for it to be a valid disclosure.