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Our Future Melville


Strategic Community Plan major review - shaping a brighter future today.

Last Updated: 26 August 2024 Follow Engagement

The City is carrying out a major review of its Strategic Community Plan. The Strategic Community Plan is the City’s most significant guiding document and establishes the community’s vision for the City - over a 10 year period.

The Council Plan is the main strategy and planning document that guides how the City will operate and deliver projects and services over the medium to long term. This document merges the Strategic Community Plan (SCP) and the Corporate Business Plan into one cohesive plan, outlining long-term priorities, goals, and the overall vision for the local government. It guides decision-making processes and provide a plan for the Future.

All Local Governments in Western Australia are required to have a ten-year plan through legislation, regulations and the Integrated Planning and Reporting Framework. The City monitors and reviews the progress of the plan through annual reporting. Every two years a desktop (minor) review of the plan is conducted - with a more comprehensive (major) review every four years. 

Our Future Melville is the engagement project that will deliver a new Council Plan (previously Strategic Community Plan) that is functional, measurable and genuinely informed by its community. 

Community engagement

The Council Plan has been carefully developed through thorough community consultations held from October to December 2023, integrating  3,182 responses from community members via the MARKYT® community scorecard, vision survey, in-person listening posts, idea sharing sessions, and workshops.

This invaluable feedback encompasses community needs, aspirations, priorities, and perceptions regarding the services, projects, and facilities offered by the City of Melville.

The extensive feedback and insights gathered from the community have played a crucial role in shaping the Council Plan.

Engagement Snapshot Engagement Consulation Report,


What is the Strategic Community Plan and how does it inform what we do at the City of Melville?
A Strategic Community Plan is a long-term, overarching strategy and planning document that outlines the community’s aspirations and priorities for the future. It also sets out the key strategies required to achieve these. In order to reflect the community’s changing aspirations and priorities, the SCP is a living document and has a partial review every two years and a major review every four years.

The intent of the SCP is to:
  • Engage the community and articulate a vision, outcomes and priorities
  • Provide us with a clear understanding of community priorities and long-term impacts that will translate to service, asset and land use planning requirements
  • Guide our priority setting within the Corporate Business Plan.

A SCP is a legislative requirement as part of the Integrated Planning and Reporting Framework (IPRF). The IPRF provides a framework for establishing local priorities that are linked to operational functions.

The City will use the SCP to: 
  • Define clear priorities, processes and long and short-term plans
  • Prioritise budget and resource allocations
  • Direct land use, infrastructure, services and asset management, operations and planning
  • Direct workforce planning
  • Inform other key strategies and plans
What is the Integrated Planning and Reporting Framework (IPRF)

In October 2010 the Integrated Planning and Reporting Framework (IPRF) and Guidelines for all Local Governments was introduced in WA, under changes to the Local Government Act 1995. This framework aims to ensure integration of community priorities into strategic planning for Councils, as well as implementation of the objectives that have been set from these priorities.

The framework requires each Local Government to have three levels of integrated strategic planning, informed and supported by appropriate resourcing and asset management plans. The key components of the IPRF are:

  1. Strategic Community Plan
  2. Corporate Business Plan
  3. Annual Budget
  4. Informing Strategies (particularly Financial, Asset Management and Workforce)
What is Our Future Melville?
 Our Future Melville is the engagement project that will deliver a new Council Plan that is functional, measurable and genuinely informed by its community.
How can I participate in Our Future Melville?

We have developed an engagement process to allow our community to decide their level of involvement dependant on time, commitment and interest in shaping the future of the City of Melville. We call this the choose your own adventure model.

  1. Complete the MARKYT Scorecard survey - closed
  2. Share an idea through a 2 minute online idea wall - closed
  3. Attend one of our listening post locations and chat to the project team - closed
  4. Complete an online or hard copy survey - closed
  5. Register to attend an in person or online workshop - closed
  6. Register your details by following this project page and receive direct notification of project updates direct to your email - current
You can view the current open opportunities above, or scroll down to view the engagement timeline.
What did we learn from the community during the engagement?

Analysis of the community feedback identified:

  1. The community generally believes that the current vision is still relevant, although the Community Scorecard survey indicated that only a third of people feel it is clear. When considering the vision, the feedback from the community emphasised the importance of diversity and inclusion, and sustainability.
  2. The community said that the current community aspirations are relevant, particularly the Clean and Green and Healthy Lifestyle aspirations.
  3. The community’s views of achievement against the current priority areas varied but were generally seen as having made good progress.
    1. ‘Priority 4 - Support healthy lifestyles and well-being’ scored the highest level of achievement.
    2. ‘Priority 2 - Improve the approach for diverse and sustainable urban development and infrastructure’ scored the lowest level of achievement.

Overall, the community values the City’s river location and green spaces, the various facilities and amenities provided, and has a desire to achieve a balance between urban development with a focus on sustainability, safety, connectivity and a sense of community

Engagement methodology
Community engaggement commenced on 15 November 2023 with the launch of the online survey and promotion of several engagement methods to facilitate participation from a broad cross-section of the City of Melville community. The consultation period concluded on 15 December 2023.
Engagement was conducted by City of Melville staff with support from Aha! Consulting in the design of the engagement methods, and facilitation of the community workshops.
The engagement consisted of:
  1. Six Pop up listening post
  2. Two workshops
  3. Online survey and idea sharing
In addition to the above, the bi-annual Community Scorecard survey was conducted from 9 to 30 October 2023. The data collected from this survey is conveyed separately in a report prepared by Catalyse Pty Ltd. The key priorities identified in that study have been considered alongside the other engagement inputs.

The project was promoted via multiple communication channels to raise awareness and promote participation across a broad cross-section of the community, as follows:
  • Direct email random sample (52,708 individuals)
  • Direct email to education providers (30)
  • Direct email to Melville Sounding Board (171 individuals)
  • Direct email cross promotion with another survey (23 individuals)
  • Facebook
    • General Facebook ad, 16 November 2023 (19,948 Reach)
    • Workshop ads x 4, 27 November 2023 (Total Reach 3,332)
  • Instagram (post 16 November 2023 – 396 Reach)

Overall, the project engaged 3,182 participants who either live, work or recreate in the City of Melville. 


  • 9 - 30 October 2023
  • MARKYT Community Scorecard survey
    We invite you to score local services and share your priorities for the future
  • 15 - 29 November 2023
  • Community workshop registration
    Register to attend an interactive online or in person workshop
  • 15 November - 15 December 2023
  • Community idea sharing
    Share your ideas on our interactive online wall
  • 15 November - 15 December 2023
  • Community survey
    Share your thoughts on current community aspirations and where we should focus on for the future.
  • 29 November 2023 | 9.30-10am
  • Listening Post - Tunes for Tots
    Cancelled - weather
  • 25 November 2023 | 7-8.30am
  • Listening Post - Yoga in the Park
    Point Walter Reserve
  • 26 November 2023 | 11-12pm
  • Listening post - Phaze youth event Skate
    Cancelled - weather
  • 29 November 2023 | 9.30-10am
  • Listening Post - Tunes for Tots
    Point Walter Reserve
  • 30 November 2023 | 9-4pm
  • Listening Post - Westfield Booragoon
  • 2 December 2023 | 10-12pm
  • Community workshop 1
    Tompkins on Swan Function Room, Canning Highway
  • 2 December 2023 | 5-7pm
  • Listening post - Melville Summer Music
    Yagan Mia Wireless Hill
  • 5 December 2023 | 6-8pm
  • Community workshop 2 - cancelled
    Online via Zoom
  • 6 December 2023 | 2-4pm
  • Community workshop 3 - cancelled
    Shirley Strickland Pavilion
  • 7 December 2023 | 6-8pm
  • Community workshop 4
    Piney Lakes Educational Centre, Leach Highway
  • February - May 2024
  • Elected Member workshop
    Elected Members will review the findings and workshop actions and priorities for the future
  • 20 August 2024
  • Ordinary Meeting of Council
    Item being presented for endorsement

Contact us

If you require any further information, please contact us.
NameHayley Boyd - Coordinator Stakeholder Engagement
Phone08 9364 0666


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