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Local Planning Policy 1.6 Car Parking and Access

Local Planning Policy 1.6 Car Parking and Access


View the proposed amended policy.

Last Updated: 8 August 2024 Follow Engagement

Local Planning Policy 1.6 Car Parking and Access (LPP1.6) guides the assessment of car parking for new developments and changes of use across the City of Melville. The last significant review of the LPP1.6 occurred in 2016. Since that time there have been many changes to the planning framework including the adoption of several activity centre plans (ACPs) and moves by the Western Australian Government to make it easier for businesses to establish themselves.

Since our engagement with the community in 2021, there have been significant updates to the state government's planning framework concerning parking. These changes include revisions to the Planning and Development (Local Planning Schemes) Regulations 2015, the release of Payment in Lieu of Parking Guidelines, and updates to the State Planning Policy 7.3 Residential Design Codes (Volumes 1 and 2), particularly to accommodate Part C 'Medium Density Codes'.

Additionally, interim guidance on non-residential parking requirements has been issued by the State Government, aligning closely with LPP1.6 standards. Consequently, no immediate adjustments to parking ratios are proposed.

With clearer parking ratio guidelines now established, the review of LPP1.6 has resumed. This review aims to address recent updates in both state and local planning frameworks.
What is now being proposed? 

​The following amendments to LPP1.6 were endorsed by Council for public consultation at the meeting held 18 June 2024.

  1.  Introductory paragraph informing of the purpose of the policy
  2. The policy objectives and the overall wording of the policy reviewed and simplified
  3. Reductions in parking provision in all centres across the City, rather than limiting this to Secondary and District centres, subject to a satisfactory parking management plan being prepared for the development.
  4. Additional clause to confirm policy is under relevant provisions of the Regulations and City of Melville Local Planning Scheme No. 6 (LPS No. 6).
  5. Policy scope updated to note the relationship between LPS No.6 and the various structure plans across the City
  6. Additional clause relating to ramp gradients and vehicle sight lines
View proposed amended Local Planning Policy 1.6 Car Parking and Access

Community feedback

Submissions closed at 4.00pm Friday, 9 August 2024

To stay up-to-date on this project, click 'Follow Engagement' at the top of the page.


What changes has the state government implemented?

The recent changes to the Planning and Development (Local Planning Schemes) Regulations 2015 make it easier for businesses to establish themselves by removing the need to apply for a planning approval or to provide extra parking.

For example a shop, restaurant/café, small bar or office can be established in any commercial area where these are permitted uses without the need to provide extra parking.

The Regulations have also been updated to limit where a cash in lieu payment can be required.

LPP 1.6 needs to be updated to acknowledge this change.

What about cash in lieu of parking?

LPP 1.6 contains a clause which allows for developers satisfy an onsite parking shortfall through a payment to the City which can then be spent on car parking provision or other streetscape improvements. This clause is no longer valid as cash in lieu requirements are limited and now contained within Planning Regulations.

The state government has created a template to guide payment in lieu of parking schemes. This sets out the matters which can be considered in this plan and also sets out the manner and form a payment in lieu of parking plan can take.

What local changes have been made?

A number of Activity Centre Plans (ACP’s), sometimes known as structure plans, are in place across the City of Melville. These ACP’s set out the parking requirements for these individual precincts.

The ACPs for Murdoch, Canning Bridge and Melville City Centre set out maximum car parking provisions for non-residential developments.  LPP 1.6 has been updated to make it clearer as to the hierarchy in circumstance of conflict in what parking requirement applies for car parking in these areas.

What are other Local Government Authorities doing about car parking?

Other local governments have parking and access policies or local planning scheme provisions to provide guidance on this, however not many are mandating AS2890.1:2004 as having hierarchy over the Residential Design Codes in terms of vehicle access sightlines – the City is seeking to become leaders in this space to ensure the safety of pedestrians is held as highest priority. However, this will require subsequent approval from the State Government prior to the City being able to implement greater vehicle access sightline requirements for residential development.

What alternatives are available to providing a minimum number of parking bays on site for each individual development?

There is no change to the car parking ratios required for development and use. Applications seeking lesser car parking than that required under the policy may seek discretion through a development application to reduce the requirement – however this needs to be supported and substantiated against the policy objectives in order to be considered favourably by the City.

How does car parking provision align with the City’s vision for the future.

The Strategic Community Plan identifies that there is a desire for people to be able to access local services, such as café’s, shops and other business in their community.

Allowing businesses to move into a locality quickly and easily reduces costs and makes doing business in the City of Melville more attractive and will ensure this desire can be met.

We also need to prioritise and encourage other more sustainable forms of transport such as walking, cycling and public transport and over-provision of car parking can erode this.

What is a local planning policy?

The Planning and Development (Local Planning Schemes) Regulations 2015 enable local governments to prepare Local Planning Policies (LPPs) on any planning matter relating to the planning and development of the scheme area. A local planning policy may be very specific, relating to a particular development type or be more general relating to the entire scheme area.

A local planning policy is not legally binding however it is required to be given due regard by a decision maker. A Local Planning Policy guides decision making to ensure transparency and consistency and also to provide standard and guidance to applicants around what is acceptable and how the City exercises any discretion.

Who is the final decision maker?

The decision-maker for this proposal is the City of Melville Council, however some provisions will need to be endorsed by the State Government prior to implementation.

What happens if no submissions are received?

Following the conclusion of the public consultation period, a report will be presented to Council at the next available Council meeting to consider the outcomes of consultation and finalising draft amended LPP 1.6. In the event no submissions are received in response to consultation, it is recommended that the amendments to LPP 1.6 be adopted without further referral to Council.


  • 15 November - 12 December 2021
  • Community survey
    Community are invited to share their feedback via a survey.
  • 18 June 2024
  • Ordinary Meeting of Council
    Council endorsed public advertising
  • 18 July - 9 August 2024
  • Public comment period
    Community are invited to review the amended Local Planning Policy and provide comment
  • August - September 2024
  • Consideration of submissions and final recommendation
  • September – October 2024
  • Ordinary Meeting of Council
    Council final determination or adoption
  • October - November 2024
  • Western Australia Planning Comission
    Review and consideration

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NameKate Bainbridge
Phone08 9364 0666

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