DAP-2024-17 - Four Storey Multiple Dwelling Comprising 20 Apartments at 25 Almondbury Road, Ardross
Feedback on the proposed development at 25 Almondbury Road, Ardross, has now closed.
Last Updated: 9 January 2025 Follow EngagementThe City of Melville has received a development application for a four storey multi dwelling development at 25 Almondbury Road, Ardross.
What is being proposed?
The proposed development is a four storey multi dwelling development compromising of 20 apartments. The application includes the following:
- Basement level - 17 parking bays, 16 enclosed stores and 135m2 of deep soil, including five large trees and 4 medium trees
- Ground level - six single bedroom multiple dwellings, waste room and three bicycle parking bays on the verge
- First floor - six single bedroom multiple dwellings, one double bedroom multiple dwelling
- Second floor - six single bedroom multiple dwellings, one double bedroom multiple dwelling
- Roof - solar panels and plant and equipment
View plans
Fig 1. This is an aerial image of subject site. The site is zoned Centre C2 - RAC-0 under Local Planning Scheme No.6.
Opportunites to provide comment
Comments on the proposal closed at 4.00pm Friday, 7 February 2025.
Feedback could be communicated:
- Online, using the submission form
- In writing, by posting your submission to the City of Melville
- In person, at the City of Melville Civic Centre
- Over the phone.
The proposed plans were also available to view at the Civic Centre during business hours, by making an appointment with the assigned officer.
To stay updated on the outcomes of this project, click the ‘follow engagement’ button at the top of this page.
Who are we engaging with? The City will assess the proposal against the relevant planning provisions of City of Melville Local Planning Scheme No. 6, Residential Design Codes and Melville City Centre Structure Plan.
At the completion of the assessment a Responsible Authority Report (RAR) will be prepared by the City’s planning officers and sent to the DAP to assist it in making a final decision.
Who is the decision maker? The application is required to be determined by the Metro Inner Development Assessment Panel (JDAP).
Why is the City advertising this application? As per the City of Melville’s Local Planning Policy 1.1 – Planning Process and Decision Making, all major developments are required to be advertised.
What happens with your comments? The RAR submitted to the JDAP will provide a summary of the submissions received during the public consultation period. The submissions and the officer response to these will then be considered by the JDAP as part of its decision making process.
17/01/2025 - 7/02/2025
Consultation period
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