DAP-2024-13 - 17-19 Almondbury Road & 3 Bragor Place, Ardross
Proposed Development for 57 Multiple Dwellings and Three Grouped Dwellings
Last Updated: 3 October 2024 Follow EngagementThe proposed development is for amendments to the dwelling mix and built form.
The application includes the following:
- A multiple dwelling development consisting of seven (7) storeys (with rooftop terrace) with 57 separate multiple dwelling units.
- Three (3) two storey grouped dwellings.
- All vehicle access off Bragor Place.
View Plans Fig 1. Aerial image of subject site. The site is zoned Mixed Use - R100 & R40 under Local Planning Scheme No.6.Community participation
Feedback closed at 4.00pm Tuesday, 20 August 2024 .Timeline
17 July 2024
Application Received
Who are we engaging with? The application will be advertised via letters sent to the adjoining property owners and residents.
The City is engaging with the broader public via the City of Melville website.
How is this development assessed by the City? The application will be assessed against the relevant planning framework including Local Planning Scheme No.6, Residential Design Codes Volume 1 & 2, The Melville City Centre Structure Plan and relevant Local Planning Policies.
At the completion of the assessment a Responsible Authority Report (RAR) will be prepared by the City's planning officers and sent to the JDAP to assist it in making a final decision.
Who is the decision maker? The Form 1 Application is required to be determined by the Metro Inner Joint Development Assessment Panel (JDAP).
Why is the City advertising this application? As per the the City of Melville's Local Planning Policy 1.1 - Planning Process and Decision Making, all major developments are required to be advertised for 21 days.
What happens with your comments? The RAR submitted to the JDAP will provide a summary of the submissions received during the public consultation period.
The submissions and the officer response to these will then be considered by the JDAP as part of its decision making process.
Contact Us
If you require any further information, please contact us.
Please Note: While enquiries can be made via email, to ensure that we capture your information correctly submissions should be made using the above form.
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