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Ordinary Meeting of Council outcome

18 March 2022

At the March 2022 Ordinary Meeting of Council, Council resolved to acknowledge the Attadale Alfred Cove Foreshore Master Plan.

Council Resolution

At 9:40pm Cr Fitzgerald moved, seconded Cr Sandford

That the Council:

  1. Acknowledge the Attadale Alfred Cove Foreshore Master Plan as advertised and the recommended changes to the Plan identified in the Summary Table of Key Issues and Enquiries Report.
  2. Investigate the feasibility of progressing the whole of foreshore, precinct based and staging recommendations as the basis for implementing the Attadale Alfred Cove Foreshore Master Plan with funding for projects to be considered individually by Council as part of the annual budget process and Long Term Financial Plan.
  3. Approve the engagement of a suitably qualified consultant to prepare a layout plan for the Atwell Precinct and Melville Bowling Club (ACAH-08) as a Short Term Recommendation.
  4. Appoint a consultant to progress the establishment of the Melville Bird Sanctuary as a Short Term Recommendation

Thank you to all of our stakeholders and commuity who were involved in the process.

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