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Amendments to Local Planning Policy 1.1 – Planning Process and Decision Making

Amendments to Local Planning Policy 1.1 – Planning Process and Decision Making


Share your feedback on the amendments before 4pm Tuesday, 11 February 2025.

Last Updated: 20 January 2025

At the City of Melville, we are dedicated to a proactive and transparent approach to community consultation and engagement. Our Local Planning Policy 1.1 - Planning Process and Decision Making (LPP 1.1), outlines the procedures for assessing and advertising development applications and related matters.

Recent amendments to the Planning and Development Act 2005, as well as updates to the Residential Design Codes Volumes 1 and 2, have led to a review of LPP 1. These changes address advertising requirements for medium-density developments, the process for significant development applications, and the delegation for single house developments.

Additionally, the review has provided opportunities to align more closely with the Planning and Development (Local Planning Schemes) Regulations 2015, enhancing clarity and supporting our business-friendly approach by making the policy's purpose clearer from the outset.

Amendments include:

  • Align with updates to state planning legislation (including the Residential Design Codes);
  • Remove repetition with other legislation;
  • Align with best practice for planning governance/reporting;
  • Provide additional clarification around some planning processes; and
  • Streamline advertising requirements.

At the Ordinary Meeting of Council held on Tuesday, 19 November 2024, Council resolved to endorse the amendments to Local Planning Policy 1.1 - Planning Process and Decision Making for advertising.
review table of changes


Purpose of the policy

  • To promote a consistent approach in the assessment and public advertising of development applications, local planning policies, subdivision referrals and other planning matters;
  • To facilitate community input into the decision-making process; and
  • To provide information to Elected Members, the City administration, applicants and submitters regarding the process for dealing with planning matters.

Opportunities to get involved

Any comments you wish to make on the proposal are to be submitted by 4.00pm Tuesday, 11 February 2025, by one of the following:
  • Online, using the submission form below
  • City of Melville, Locked Bag 1, Booragoon WA quoting reference LPP1.1
  • In person, 10 Almondbury Road, Booragoon.

For more information about the proposal and what happens with your feedback, see the FAQs below.
    Primary interest:

    Level of support:

    Max 500 characters with spaces
    Max 4MB


    What is a local planning policy?
    The Planning and Development (Local Planning Schemes) Regulations 2015 enable local governments to prepare Local Planning Policies (LPPs) that may address strategic or operational considerations on planning matters.
    What is the aim of this policy?
    The Local Planning Policy 1.1 - Planning Process and Decision Making aims to ensure transparent and good decision making by the City for planning decisions.
    Who are we engaging with?
    We are engaging with our community, peak body industries and the Department of Planning Lands and Heritage.
    How to make a good submission?
    Community consultation allows the City to collect information from impacted stakeholders and valid considerations that will help inform good decision-making. 
    When preparing a submission there are two principles you should consider - facts and impacts.

    Below is a checklist to help you make a good submission.
    1. Give yourself enough time: Act promptly upon receiving notification. Early preparation is key.
    2. Be informed: Ensure you have all the necessary information. Review the draft, check the FAQs on this page, or consult with a Planning Officer if you need additional details to address all your points.
    3. Stick to the facts: Understand what is happening and why. Clearly state whether you believe the proposal is the best approach and provide factual reasons to support your view.
    4. Explain the impact: If you believe a proposal will unduly impact you or your property, explain this clearly and support your explanation with as many facts as possible.
    5. Submit one comprehensive submission: Avoid submitting multiple submissions, as this can delay the compilation process.
    6. Submit on time: Ensure your submission is on time, as late submissions may not be able to be considered.
    Why do I need to provide my personal details?
    Public comment period is a structured process that allows individuals to submit their opinions and feedback on proposals to the City of Melville. This process requires submitters to provide personal details to verify their identity and confirm that they are electors or ratepayers within the City.

    Key points about the public comment period:
    1. Invitation to participate: The community and stakeholders are invited to provide their input on various proposals.
    2. Submission consideration: All received submissions are reviewed and considered as part of the assessment process. However, these submissions do not obligate the City or Council to follow the suggestions or opinions provided.
    3. Anonymity and public reporting: When the City compiles and reports on the submissions, personal details such as names, addresses, and other identifiable information are removed unless the submitter has expressly agreed to share this information.
     This process ensures that the community's voice is heard while maintaining the privacy and authenticity of each submission.
    What happens with my submission?
    We will consider all submissions in reporting to Council for consideration.
    Who is the decision maker?
    The decision-maker for this proposal is the City of Melville Council.

    If no submissions are received during the advertising period, the Council has delegated the authority to the CEO to proceed with the policy without modification and for a notice to be published in the local newspaper and website as required by the Planning and Development (Local Planning Schemes) Regulations 2015. Following any final adoption, the City will report to the Council on a 6 monthly basis for 24 months on the operation of this amendment to the policy.
    How can I be kept informed of the outcomes of the proposal?
    Click on the ‘Follow Engagement’ at the top of this page to be kept informed of the updates and outcomes for this project.

    Contact us

    If you require any further information, please contact the below.

    NameKate Bainbridge, 

    Manager Statutory Planning and Building

    Phone08 9364 0666


    • 17 May 2022
    • Ordinary Meeting of Council
      Council resolved to direct the CEO to prepare a report
    • Tuesday, 12 December 2023
    • Ordinary Meeting of Council
      Council resolved to endorse advertisement of the draft policy
    • 1 February - 26 February 2024
    • Public comment period
      Community are invited to view the proposal and provide comment
    • April 2024
    • Ordinary Meeting of Council
      Council adopts draft Local Planning Policy 1.1
    • 19 November 2024
    • Ordinary Meeting of Council
      Council endorse amendments to advertise LPP1.1
    • 20 January - 11 February 2025
    • Public comment period
      Community are invited to view the revised LPP1.1

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