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Brentwood Living Stream Project

Brentwood Living Stream Project During Construction

About the Living Stream Project

This project will transform the Brentwood Main Drain and Mandala Crescent Branch Drain from a closed pipe system into an open, living stream.

This project is designed to improve the quality of the water flowing from the drains and their catchments into the Canning River through the use of native plants and a series of basins and riffles to help remove pollutants from the water.

This project is a partnership between Department of Parks and Wildlife, Water Corporation, Main Roads, City of Melville and South East Centre for Urban Landcare (SERCUL).

Construction work began in 2015 with revegetation occurring in winter 2016. 

For more information see the Brentwood Living Stream Concept Plan.

Brentwood Living Stream Project After

Benefits of a Living Stream

  • Removal of pollution, including rubbish, nutrients, heavy metals and sand, from the waterway
  • creating new habitat for native animals
  • improving the aesthetics and amenity for the local residents
  • improving the safety and accessibility of the reserve
  • creating opportunities for education and engagement.

Water Quality

Everything that enters our stormwater drains ends up in our rivers, lakes, estuaries and the ocean. Pollutants in stormwater are having a disastrous impact on all aquatic life, not only harming fish, plants and wildlife, but reducing water quality for humans.

Living Streams are one way that the City of Melville is trying to improve water quality in our local wetlands.

Measuring Water Quality in Melville

Most wetlands are an expression of the ground water, so poor water quality in wetlands can be indicative of poor ground water quality. Ground water is a key component of Perth’s water supply and is also often used to irrigate gardens, so any pollution in the ground water can also impact on us at home.

The City of Melville conduct an annual water quality monitoring program for all of our wetlands and lakes linked to the Bull Creek Catchment and the Swan River. Recommendations are implemented each year in the form of restoration around lakes, changes to drainage and environmental education around water bodies.

A Water Quality Improvement Plan (WQIP) was also developed for the Bull Creek Catchment in 2012 in partnership with the Swan River Trust, Water Corporation and South East Regional Centre for Urban Landcare. Water quality improvements measures are being implemented throughout City of Melville, including a large partnership project to create a Living Stream at Bateman Reserve.

Impacts of Poor Water Quality

  • Birds and fish can become entangled in rubbish
  • Algal blooms can result from a build up in nutrients found in animal waste and in chemical products used by households and businesses
  • Oil slicks can occur when oils are poured down drains or wash from the streets into the gutter
  • Increase in weeds due to high nutrients in the water
  • Bacteria building up in stagnant water causing botulism in water birds
  • Mosquitos breeding in stagnant water with few macro invertebrates to eat the larvae.

What Can You Do?

  • Don't tip paint, thinners, flea rinses, herbicides, pesticides, oils or other chemicals down the drain
  • Bin your rubbish securely
  • Pick up your dogs waste and put it in a bin or worm farm. It’s full of nutrients that can feed algal blooms
  • Sweep up grass clippings, leaves, sand and other material and put in a bin or compost
  • Keep garden weeds away from drains. They may end up in rivers or wetlands as invasive weeds
  • Wash your car on the lawn to keep detergents out of the storm water drainage system
  • Be Fertilise Wise and the right fertiliser at the right time. Never over-water
  • Backwash your pools into a soak well, not into a roadside drain
  • Don't feed bread to waterbirds
  • Plant native plants that do not drop leaves that can end up getting into stormwater drains and increasing nutrient levels
  • Get involved with your local catchment or Environmental Friends Group to help revegetate our local waterways. Native sedges and rushes planted around wetlands can help to take up excess pollution from the water and help filter the water.

For more information on what the City of Melville does and what you can do at home to improve water quality, visit Water Quality.

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